Some Facts on Dental Bonding

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If your teeth have endured a small amount of duress or simply don’t look the way you would like, dental bonding may be the option that can repair the damage and make your smile look good.

Bonding is made from a material we call composite resin. It starts out in liquid form, but we can place on your teeth and turn it into a solid permanently, so it stays in place and operates like your teeth. Composite resin comes in many shades of white, and we can pick the shade that resembles the color of your teeth so the bonding can meld with the background and remain unnoticed. Our dentist, Dr. Theodore Gehrig, can also shape the bonding so it has the shape of a natural tooth, which helps your smile look even better.

We can use the bonding for a few different purposes. It is most often used to repair chipped teeth by filling in for the missing pieces. It can cover some minor fracturing as well. Teeth that are misshapen or have some overly large gaps can be filled out by the bonding so they have the right shape and right amount of space between them.

Dental bonding can help your smile look good while it fixes these issues at the same time. If you have an issue and would like to see if bonding can put your smile back in order, you are welcome to visit Lincoln Park Dental Associates in Chicago, Illinois. To schedule a visit or ask some questions, you can call us at 773-348-7008. Thank you for visiting us today. We look forward to serving you if you even need our help.